Monday, January 6, 2014

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a teacher from Spain who decided to come to the USA to teach first grade in a Spanish Immersion Program.
When she got to the USA and visited the school for first time, she found out that the classroom was empty. It was August 1st and the first day of school in two weeks!
She started to put toegether the classroom, she researched and created materials, lesson plans, curriculum maps...
The first year was hard but she did all she could and more! And enjoyed it so much that she decided to stay one more year, and then one more!
Now, three years later, she realized that all the hard work she invested in the classroom deserves to be showed with the purpose of serving other teachers who might be in the same situation, as many blogs inspired her when she started her new job.

These are so photos of the first classroom she had to put together for the first day of school. Enjoy it!

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